Wednesday, March 19, 2008

My 100 Things

  1. I was born in Africa.
  2. In the town named Livingstone after David Livingstone.
  3. I was a missionary kid.
  4. I am still an MK although I am 37 years old.
  5. I never learned an African language.
  6. I regret this.
  7. I am the third of three children.
  8. I have two older brothers. They both live with their families in Arizona. On the same street.
  9. I lived in Africa until I was 17.
  10. I attended boarding school for 9th through 12th grade and saw my parents every three months.
  11. I loved boarding school.
  12. I also loved going home.
  13. I am still close to my friends from boarding school.
  14. I climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro on my senior trip.
  15. It was the hardest physical thing I have ever done.
  16. Including having babies.
  17. I don't regret it, but I won't do it again.
  18. I miss Africa.
  19. It is in my soul.
  20. I met my hubby in sixth grade while in the U.S.
  21. I had a bone tumor removed from my femur in the sixth grade.
  22. It was benign.
  23. I didn't see my hubby-to-be again until the summer before college.
  24. We started dating right away and dated through college, marrying the summer after we graduated.
  25. I wish we had married sooner.
  26. He says we couldn't have done it financially.
  27. We still disagree about this.
  28. But that's okay.
  29. We both agree that we are glad we married and stayed married.
  30. We were married four years before we had our first child.
  31. I wish we hadn't waited so long.
  32. On this we agree. :)
  33. I have four children.
  34. I long and pray for more.
  35. I never truly thought I would be an adoptive mother - although I did say I would like to adopt.
  36. Being a mother is what I have dreamed of for as long as I can remember.
  37. This dream was derailed for a while.
  38. I have now taken it back.
  39. I live in what they call the "mid-south."
  40. I said I would never live here.
  41. I have learned to never say never.
  42. I have learned to love it here, despite the mosquitos and the humidity.
  43. I love the people here.
  44. I love how the Lord has changed me here.
  45. My favorite color is red - I adore it.
  46. I am crazy about black tea with milk and honey (or sugar if I am being dangerous).
  47. I love PG Tips or Tetley British Blend.
  48. I want everyone else I meet to love my tea too. :)
  49. Most people are polite and say they like it (or maybe they really do?)
  50. I am introverted until I get to know you.
  51. Then I can be obnoxious.
  52. I hate to exercise (I don't think this is news to anyone.)
  53. I really need to exercise.
  54. I am not self-disciplined.
  55. I need God to change me in this area.
  56. I worked one Christmas as Santa's elf at a picture taking place in the Brea Mall.
  57. It wasn't for me.
  58. I have always wanted to write.
  59. I have turned out to be more of a reader.
  60. But my life isn't over yet.
  61. I am a pretty good editor.
  62. I don't like to shop, except online.
  63. I love to sew and wish I had more time to do this.
  64. I love to quilt.
  65. I am working on my first applique quilt.
  66. My mother taught me to quilt.
  67. She learned herself when I was already an adult.
  68. My mother is a very talented quilter.
  69. My parents are still missionaries. This time in Rwanda.
  70. I miss my mom and dad.
  71. I want to visit Rwanda with my children and husband.
  72. I dream about adopting a child(ren) from Africa.
  73. I have a fondness in my heart for Ethiopia even though I have never been there.
  74. I love apple slices with peanut butter.
  75. I love talking to girlfriends.
  76. I don't get to talk to girlfriends very much (uninterrupted, that is).
  77. I make my own bread-most of the time.
  78. I have to read before I can go to sleep.
  79. I am married to a man that can go to sleep in 30 seconds flat.
  80. This is not fair.
  81. My husband is the best man I know.
  82. I am on the same page with him - in almost every way.
  83. This is a huge blessing the Lord has given to us.
  84. I live in a big red house.
  85. I love to spell words.
  86. I always have to know how a person spells their name.
  87. When I think of a person, I see the spelling of their name in my mind.
  88. It messes me up when I have been "spelling them" wrong.
  89. I have never ridden an elephant (sorry for those white lies I told in jr. high).
  90. I am not a great housekeeper.
  91. I need a housekeeper.
  92. I have homeschooled my children for five years.
  93. I do it differently every year.
  94. I will figure it out by the time they are finished schooling.
  95. I love having my children with me day in and day out.
  96. They love it too.
  97. I will (Lord-willing) grow my first garden this summer with friends.
  98. I am knowing and loving my Lord Jesus more each day.
  99. He is patient with me and has great things in store.
  100. I am blessed beyond what I could have ever imagined.

Want to share your 100 Things with me?


doug said...

101. You are a blessing to more people than you can imagine.


Carrie said...

Hi, We have never met; I checked out your blog at the encouragement of my sister-in-law Mandy. We are fostering to adopt right now and she recommended I read your blog. I have enjoyed reading your story and can relate on so many levels. When I first pulled up your page and read your description of yourself, I thought...hmm, this is how I began my description of myself on my facebook page ("I am a daughter of the King), hmmm, I, too, married the boy I loved as a middle schooler, hmmm, I am a homeschooling mom...etc...I thought we had a lot in common from the start, but then I read your 100 things...other than the fact that I am not a MK and do not have a spelling fetish :), I said a big, "HMMM...ME TOO" to almost all of your comments! It is a small world! Anyway, thank you for sharing your story. I was chatting with Mandy earlier today and she was telling me that I needed to update our blog. I explained that I want to share our story on our blog, but am fearful that someone local will recognize our foster son's story and rat us out to the birth mother. Since he was removed from her by Child Protective Services, we do not want her to know who we are or where he is...We are so excited to finally have another baby and want to share what God has done in this little one's life so far. So many have asked us why we haven't posted anything on the blog yet...any suggestions?