Sunday, February 28, 2010

Foster Care Update

On September 1st we welcomed this little guy into our home and he was with us for about six weeks. He was a little love, but didn't sleep very well for us. This made for a groggy, grumpy mama and teacher. ;) In the middle of October we decided to take an indefinite hiatus from foster care and have spent the past few months focusing on our family and the purposes that the Lord has for us there.

To go back and look at these pictures tugs at my heart, but at the same time, I have cherished the past few months of "just us" and am so thankful for what the Lord has done in us without the added stress of an extra. We're still not sure to what the Lord is leading us next, but we trust and know that He knows the plan.


This scrapbook is created for keeping our memories alive as God allows more surprises along the way. said...

Hey Gayle,

Your girls have grown so much. I miss you and pray for you.


Sara said...

And you're back in blogworld. Wonderful!